For medical providers
Thank you for your referral. Patients can ring us to make an appointment if they have a valid referral. We are happy to be contacted if the patient needs to be seen quickly or if you would like to discuss the case.
Phone: (02) 9416 8899
Fax: (02) 8583 3110
For patients
To make an appointment:
- Call our rooms between 8:30 am and 5:00 pm on 9416 8899
- Please indicate if you would like to be seen in Brookvale (Dr. Stangenberg provides consultations once a month in Brookvale)
When making an appointment we need the following information:
- Name on Medicare card (+/- their preferred name)
- Medicare card number
- Address
- Date of birth
- Contact telephone number
- If not English speaking the name of person who will be coming with the patient and their contact number
- Referring doctor, doctor’s provider number and date of referral
- Please tell us where you had recent blood or urine tests or where imaging (x-ray, ultrasound, CT) has been done
On the day of consultation, we will require:
- Referral (if not already faxed or emailed)
- Medicare card
- Private health fund details
- Copies of any relevant discharge summaries
- Up-to-date medication list
- Please let us know if you have a DVA Gold Card or Disability Support Pension